Producer/Director: Arhaan Hirani
Fracture is a captivating short film directed by Arhaan Hirani, created for the 48-Hour Film Project as part of the ABGO No Sleep Till Film Fest, organized by the Russo Brothers. Shot in Oklahoma with a professional cast and crew, the film tells the story of a man named Jack who attempts to unravel a mystery by traveling back in time.
Fracture showcases the talents of its director, Arhaan Hirani, who demonstrates his ability to craft a compelling narrative with a limited time frame. The film also features a professional cast and crew, who worked tirelessly to bring the story to life. The result is a visually stunning and emotionally resonant film that is sure to captivate audiences.
The project was created as part of the 48 Hour Film Project, a challenging competition where filmmakers must write, shoot, and edit a short film in just two days. Despite the tight deadline, Fracture is a polished and well-crafted film, with careful attention paid to lighting, camera work, and sound design.
Overall, Fracture is a testament to the creativity and talent of its director and crew. It is a powerful and moving film that explores complex themes with subtlety and nuance, and showcases the best of what can be achieved with limited resources and a tight deadline.